Le Fleurs du Mal

Kuratiert von Dr. Isabella Goebel & Dr. phil. Alexandra von Stosch

The exhibition title unites the antagonisms wherein life vibrates: beauty and abyss, blossom and decay, ecstasy and unfulfilled desire.
These are the connotations included in Charles Baudelaire’s collection of poems which inspired him to the title “Les Fleurs du Mal” in 1857. His poems have influenced art, literature, film and music ever since. How are these counterpoles felt and expressed today? And how were they experienced by artists in history?
munichmodern/11 stages relevant artistic concepts, also in reference to the 10th memorial of September 11. Do we still worship the golden calf and dance on the volcano? Or is there space to retreat into the delicacy and contemplation of still life and to indulge in its opulent associations?
Les Fleurs du Mal…

Daten und Fakten
19. – 29. Oktober 2011
Brienner Strasse 1, 80333 München

18. Oktober PressPreview / 18. Oktober Vernissage
